Sharon Jones, M.Ed.

Program specialist, assistive technology, autism/early childhood
(804) 827-1398
- M.Ed., early childhood special education, Virginia Commonwealth University (1984)
- B.S., special education, Virginia Commonwealth University (1978)
- Postgraduate work in special education
Professional experiences
- Program specialist, Training and Technical Assistance Center at VCU (1996-present)
- Adjunct faculty, VCU in special education (1993-2001)
- Coordinator, Early Childhood Special Education Technical Assistance Center at VCU (1995-1996)
- Project assistant, Early Childhood Special Education Technical Assistance Center at VCU (1991-1995)
- Infant development specialist, Crater District Infant Intervention Program (1987-1991)
- Early childhood special education teacher, Chesterfield County Public Schools (1981-1986)
- Special education teacher/vocational trainer, Chesterfield County Public School (1978-1981)
- Virginia postgraduate professional teaching license
Endorsement areas
- Special Education
- Early Childhood Special Education
Current professional and academic association memberships
- Council for Exceptional Children, Division for Early Childhood
- Council for Exceptional Children, Division of Technology and Media
- Autism Society of Virginia, Central Virginia Chapter
- Virginia Society for Technology in Education
Selected publications
- Croasdaile, S., Jones, S., & Smith, F. (2006). Universal Design for Learning: Improving access for all students. Innovations and Perspectives, Fall Edition, 2,8.
- Jones, S., Dye, B., Lyons, B. et al. (2008) A Framework for Assistive Technology Consideration and Assessment. Virginia Department of Education.
- Jones, S. & Landon, T. (2004). Sensory dysfunction: Answers to common questions. Innovations and Perspectives, Vol. 5, No. 1.
- Jones, S. & Ligon, K. (2007). Teams guide quality AT service delivery. Innovations and Perspectives, Winter Edition, 2
- Jones, S., Oggel, L. & Ligon, K. (2003). Why start an assistive technology team? Innovations and Perspectives, Spring Edition, 8.
- Jones, S. & Palko, S. (2007). Visual maps promote positive behavior, Innovations and Perspectives, Summer Edition, 4.
- Jones, S. & Smith, F. (2008). Student direction results in effective AT. Innovations and Perspectives, Fall Edition, 6.
- Jones, S., Smith, F. & Wittig, K. (2006). AT for college success, Innovations and Perspectives, Summer Edition, 6.
- Oggel, L., Jones, S., Sarrett, E., et al. (2003). Teaching young children with autism: Effective practices in Virginia (video). Richmond, VA: Virginia Department of Education.
Selected presentations
- Ready, Set, Create a Literacy Activity Using Boardmaker Storybook Template, Shining Stars conference, VA Beach, VA, July, 2008 with M. Wilds.
- Show Me the Money: Funding Opportunities for AT. Technology Tuesdays, T/TAC at VCU, Richmond, VA, April, 2008 with J. Wallace.
- Assistive Technology Can Make a Difference, International Dyslexia Association: 32nd Annual Conference-Virginia Branch, February, 2008 with S. Croasdaile.
- Text-to-Speech Computer Software. Technology Tuesdays, T/TAC at VCU, February, 2008 with M. Pruett.
- FLIP that Classroom: Design to Learn. VDOE Educational Technology Leadership Conference, December, 2007 with L. Peters and L. Lunden-Seidel.
- Proactive Behavior Strategies for Individuals with ASD, Autism Society of Virginia, Central VA Chapter, Richmond, VA, October, 2007 with S. Palko.
- AAC for All! Technology Tuesdays, VCU T/TAC, Richmond, VA, May, 2007 with L. Oggel.
- Boardmaker Plus. Technology Tuesdays, T/TAC at VCU, Richmond, VA, April, 2007.
- From chaos to order, Commonwealth Autism Services conference, Richmond, VA, March, 2007 with T. Landon.
- Cool Resources for Early Childhood, Shining Stars conference, VA Beach, VA., July, 2006, with M. Wilds.
- From Chaos to Order. Autism Spectrum Disorders Conference. Abingdon, VA, March 2005, with L. Oggel.
- Utilizing Picture Schedules to Increase Student Success. Commonwealth Autism Service annual conference. Richmond, VA. March, 2004 with S. Jones.
- Building Bridges to Understanding for Students with Autism. Virginia Federation Council for Exceptional Children Conference. Charlottesville, VA. February, 2004 with L. Oggel and S. Palko.
- Considering AT in the IEP, VDOE Technology Leadership Conference, Roanoke, VA., December, 2004 with K. Ligon.