February is Black History Month
The Origins of Black History Month
Invisible Changemakers of Industry

Learn, Engage, and Celebrate Throughout Black History Month
Celebrate Black History Month in the Richmond Region
“The First Civil Rights: Black Political Activism After Claiming Freedom”

New Book in Our Library
¡DUA Ahora! (Spanish-language version of UDL NOW)
By Katie Novak

New Title Available in Our Lending Library
Designing for Inclusion: Universal Design for Learning as a Catalyst in the IEP Process
By Robin Cunconan-Lahr

New Title Available in Our Lending Library
Supporting Student Executive Functions: Insights and Strategies for Educators
By Lisa Carey
In Supporting Student Executive Functions, two clinical and classroom experts deliver an insightful and accessible guide to executive functioning skills.

New Title in Our Lending Library
Upskill, Reskill, Thrive: Optimizing Learning and Development in the Workplace
By James McKenna
Upskill, Reskill, Thrive: Optimizing Learning and Development in the Workplace offers readers an accessible guide to understanding and applying Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to the workplace.

Virginia Literacy Act
Virginia Literacy Act; early student literacy; evidence-based literacy instruction; science-based reading research was passed into law during the 2022 General Assembly session. Full implementation of the law will begin during the 2024-25 school year. Contact VCU’s Training and Technical Assistance Center (T/TAC) for resources and information regarding evidence-based instruction and reading research.

Seven Steps for Developing a Proactive Schoolwide Discipline Plan: A Guide for Principals and Leadership Teams
by Geoffrey T. Colvin
If you're interested in a FREE copy of this book, email plhaynes@vcu.edu for more details.
(While supplies last.)

The PBIS Team Handbook: Setting Expectations and Building Positive Behavior
by Beth Baker M.S.Ed. and Char Ryan Ph.D.
If you're interested in a FREE copy of this book, email plhaynes@vcu.edu for more details.
(While supplies last.)

Responding to Problem Behavior in Schools, Second Edition: The Behavior Education Program
by Deanne A. Crone, Leanne S. Hawken, et al.
If you're interested in a FREE copy of this book, email plhaynes@vcu.edu for more details.
(While supplies last.)

Academic and Behavior Supports for At-Risk Students: Tier 2 Interventions
by Melissa Stormont, Wendy M. Reinke , et al.
If you're interested in a FREE copy of this book, email plhaynes@vcu.edu for more details.
(While supplies last.)

Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People
by Mahzarin R. R. Banaji & Anthony G. Greenwald
If you're interested in a FREE copy of this book, email plhaynes@vcu.edu for more details.
(While supplies last.)
Total Participation Techniques: Making Every Student an Active Learner
by Pérsida Himmele & William Himmele
If you're interested in a FREE copy of this book, email plhaynes@vcu.edu for more details.
(While supplies last.)

Students with behavior difficulties can sometimes challenge even the most seasoned teacher. Meaningful Work: Changing Student Behavior with School Jobs offers educators a guide to help change student behaviors with school jobs. The text merges two topics, positive behavior supports and transition, emphasizing strategies for grades K-6. Transition skills can begin as early as elementary school and continue through high school.
If you would like a FREE copy for your toolbox, contact LaTonja Wright at wrightly2@vcu.edu.
The Virginia Department of Education’s Training and Technical Assistance Center at Virginia Commonwealth University offers a variety of services tailored to assist personnel in schools, interagency coordinating councils and state-operated programs in Superintendent’s Regions 1 and 8. The VDOE T/TAC is a part of the statewide network of T/TACs across Virginia and a participating member of the online community T/TAC Online. VDOE's T/TAC at VCU is also a part of the Partnership for People with Disabilities, a member of the National University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities and the VCU School of Education.
Find information by topic
Assistive technology
Support for the development and ongoing growth of assistive technology teams

Autism spectrum disorder
Tools for educators, administrators and parents working to improve services for students with ASD

Support for school personnel and service providers to meet the behavioral needs of children and youth with disabilities

Early childhood special education
Evidence-based practices used in the field of early intervention, early childhood education and early childhood special education

Inclusive practice
Ways in which students with disabilities may access the general education curriculum in their school

Intellectual disabilities
Strategies for promoting meaningful instruction and post-school outcomes for people with intellectual disabilities

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